Learn Mode (33:17)
Flow Mode (31:12)
Here’s what to expect…
- warm up: this one addresses most areas of the body: the legs, arms, core, hamstrings, quads, side waist, shoulders and more! in case your body isn’t feeling like moving all the way to the floor, there is an alternative with a chair.
- *leg series: footwork and coordination! if it’s too much pressure on the tip toes, option to stay flat footed. but overall, try to lift the heel at least a couple of times, this is such great ankle strengthening and it will improve your lunges!
- lunge series: listen closely for cues on lifting the hip. it’s a game changer for this series.
- oblique series: planking meets stabilization. this is really wonderful series to help deepen core strength.
- *bridge: you are going to do some walking squats, and this one will make you smile! to help stay out of the lower back, keep the belly pulled in, the weight of the chest lifted, and small range of motion!
- repeat, stretch, shoulder kisses.
*indicates series where 2/3 lb weights can be used.