Learn Mode (34:16)
Flow Mode (29:01)
Here’s what to expect…
- warm up: this is a kneeling warm up that can also be performed standing! it’s also your first shot at practicing the twist. keep it light and small. remember: it’s just a warm up, so think about lubricating the spine, arms and shoulders.
- *oblique series: learn mode and flow mode will provide different cues! (side note: this was always a favorite exercise of mine to teach in my former pilates days)
- *leg series: no words. this one should make you feel happy AND strong af. reminder: small is better.
- lunge series: along with balance, you’ll incorporate another twist into the lunge!
- *bridge series: this one is gonna challenge coordination (a brain muscle we often work!) and fire the legs. those of you with lower back issues, keep the belly pulled in and don’t over do it!
- repeat, wrap it up, kiss those shoulders!
*indicates series where 2/3 lb weights can be used.