Demo Routine (31:54)
Here's what to expect...
warm up: you'll be testing out your coordination. give it effort, but after your first session, don’t get hung up on the arms! if you can make them happen, great, and if not just focus on the legs. overall this warm up will over a nice full body wake up.
leg: there’s not much choreography in this series which means you can use your time to analyze and align your form. ps: this series may seem like outer thigh, but it’s core core core!
lunge: balance and active stretching will be practiced in this series. those with tight hamstrings / knee issues should have a chair or blocks close by to ease the transition on the way up.
oblique: there are two distinct versions of this series - one with a flip and one without. play with it and see which you like best!
bridge: jolene jolene joleeeneeee, my abs are burning hotter than a flameeeee.
repeat for the other side
kiss those shoulders