Demo Routine (31:00)
Here's what to expect...
Here's what to expect...
- warm up: this warm up has a “shake it off” kind of feel, meant to take you out of a yucky place.
- oblique: give yourself a session or two to catch the counts, if it doesn’t happen right away, don’t beat yourself up! this routine was taught to a variety of levels at the be.come retreat and everyone progressed at their own pace. Give yourself the space to do the same!
- lunge: slow and slinky. you are moving on several different planes so this is sure to wake up the brain.
- leg: it may be helpful to put your hands on blocks when lifting on and off the floor - reminder the chair is always there for you!
- *bridge: well if this doesn’t make you smile, check your pulse. bye bye bye baby!
- repeat. stretch. kiss shoulders. kick ass.
*indicates series where 2/3 lb weights can be used